International Committee for Solvent Extraction

The International Committee for Solvent Extraction is a non profit international committee set up to:

  1. Promote discussions of the science and technology of solvent extraction and related subjects from time to time by inviting and selecting among proposals from appropriate groups in various countries to organise and hold International Solvent Extraction Conferences (ISEC) at appropriate intervals; to decide upon the dates and location of these Conferences; and also to provide guidance and advice on the ISEC Conferences to local organising committees.
  2. To ensure that each ISEC may contribute its full share toward the objective (a) above, and to maintain continuity, the International Committee for Solvent Extraction looks after all matters concerning the ISEC as defined above during intervals between ISEC Conferences.
  3. The Committee also arranges technical workshops to disseminate the latest developments in solvent extraction between interested groups.

To this end the International Solvent Extraction Conferences have been, and continue to be, a major gathering of scientists, engineers, operators and vendors from around the world, who present new findings since the last meeting, exchange ideas, make business contacts and conduct collegial discussions. 

Historically, the first solvent extraction conference was held on nuclear separations at Gatlinburg in 1962. 

Several ISEC-type conferences followed at Brussels in 1963, Harwell in 1965, Goteborg in 1966 and Jerusalem in 1968.

The first ISEC organised by the Society of Chemical Industry was held in The Hague in 1971. Since then, ISEC’s have been held in many world locations.

ICSE Constitution International Committee for Solvent Extraction

Constitution of the International Committee for Solvent Extraction (ICSE) 

Whereas Solvent Extraction Conferences have been held in Gatlinburg, USA (1962); Harwell, UK (1965); Gotenburg, Sweden (1966); Jerusalem, Israel (1969); the fist International Solvent Extraction Conferences was held in The Hague, Netherlands (1971) as ISEC 71 The following ISEC conferences (usually triannual) have provided: 

  1. a forum for open exchange of information and knowledge on solvent extraction science technology;
  2. opportunities for scientists and engineers to make personal contacts.

Therefore, in view of the continuing and growing interest in Solvent Extraction Science and Technology, it has been agreed to establish a non profit international committee to further the objectives, to be known as the International Committee for Solvent Extraction (ICSE). In order to assure regularity of all actions of the committee and perpetuity thereof, the following Constitution of the International Committee for Solvent Extraction has been agreed and approved.

  1. General

The name of the organization shall be the International Committee for Solvent Extraction. Its objectives shall be generally to promote scientific and technological progress in the field of solvent extraction, and to provide periodically a forum for formal and informal discussions amongst scientists and engineers.

  1. Objectives of the International Committee for Solvent Extraction

More specifically, the objectives of the International Committee shall be:

  1. to promote discussions of the science and technology of solvent extraction and related subjects from time to time by inviting and selecting among proposals from appropriate groups in various countries to organize and hold International Solvent Extraction Conferences (ISEC) at appropriate intervals; to decide upon the dates and locations of these Conferences; and also to provide guidance and advice on the ISEC Conferences to local organizing committees.
  2. To ensure that each ISEC may contribute its full share toward the objective (a) above, and to maintain continuity, the International Committee for Solvent Extraction looks after all maters concerning the ISEC as defined above during intervals between ISEC Conferences.
  1. Members of the International Committee for Solvent Extraction

  1. The International Committee for Solvent Extraction shall be composed of not more than 20 members with due regard to geographic distribution. At the time of the organization of the Society, the countries represented on the Committee are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, United Kingdom, USA, USSR. Additional members may be elected by a two thirds majority, (including proxy votes) of the ICSE members present. Nominations for new members for consideration for election to the Committee must be proposed and seconded by members of the committee and shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than three (3 ) months before the next meeting of the Committee, so that the suggested alteration shall be on the agenda for that meeting and distributed in advance to the members of the Committee.
  2. Nominated members should be invited to give a short presentation of their background.
  3. The term of office of Committee members shall normally be for a period to include four (4) International Solvent Extraction Conferences. To ensure continuity, the terms of office shall be stagged so that the Committee is not dissolved and a new one appointed at the same time.
  4. A Committee member may be elected to no more than two additional terms beyond the first.
  5. Officers of the Committee may elect the Chairperson of the organizing committee of the next planned ISEC as an additional member of the International Committee for Solvent Extraction for the period from the previous ISEC to the one after.
  6. A quorum will consist of 50% of the total ICSE membership.
  7. If a committee member is not able to attend two (2) consecutive ISEC meetings then their membership of ISCE shall lapse. 
  1. Officers of the ICSE

The Committee shall periodically elect a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity and Program Policy Chairperson, Publications Chairperson and other officers as required, chosen from the Membership of the ICSE. 

  1. ICSE

The main functions of the International Committee for Solvent Extraction are as follows:

  1. The International Committee for Solvent Extraction authorizes the establishment of National Committees to promote attendance at, and to provide papers for, each Conference as necessary.
  2. The ICSE arranges to supply to the press and other news media information concerning activities of the International Solvent Extraction Conferences.
  3. The ICSE cooperates with the organizing Committee of the next ISEC in ensuring that the standard of scientific papers and organization of the meeting conforms with the tradition and objectives of the Conferences.
  4. ICSE assists as far as possible in the financial arrangements for the next Conference. A set proportion of 5% of all registration fees at ISEC is to be turned over to the ICSE to support its activities. Exceptions to this policy may be made only by two-thirds vote of the Committee. 
  1. Officer of the ICSE

6.1 Secretary General 
  1. The term of office of the Chairperson of ICSE shall be for a 6 to 9 year period depending upon ISEC intervals. Re-election to succeeding terms is possible. Election is by majority vote of the ICSE.
  2. The Chairperson presides at the meetings. In case of absence of the Chairperson for any cause, the Secretary shall take his or her place. Should the Chairperson become permanently incapacitated, the Secretary shall automatically become Acting Chairperson until the next meeting of the ICSE. At that time, a new Chairperson shall be elected by the ICSE.
  3. The Chairperson an ex-officio member of the Publicity and Program Review Committee and the Publications Committee as well as the ISEC Conference Committee. 
6.2 Secretary 
  1. The Secretary shall function for the ICSE for a 6 to 9 year term. Re-election is possible for succeeding terms by simple majority vote of the ICSE.
  2. The Secretary shall prepare minutes of meetings and distribute these to members of the ICSE.
  3. The Secretary receives and distributes to members of the ICSE petitions for admission of new members to the ICSE, and for changes in by-lawas.
  4. The Secretary conducts election for offices of the ICSE except in the case of an office for which he is candidate. In this instance, the Chairperson shall appoint an alternate.
  5. The Secretary is an ex-officio member of the Publications, Publicity and Program Review Committee, and coordinates the work of these committees with the policies of the Society.
6.3 Treasurer
  1. The Treasurer term of office shall be for a 6 to 9 year period. Re-election is possible for succeeding terms by simple majority vote of ICSE.
  2. The Treasurer shall receive funds required for the operation of ICSE by such means as shall be devised by the ICSE. He or she shall hold these funds and disburse them in accordance with the actions and approval of the ICSE. He or she shall prepare a financial statement for presentation at the meetings of the Society during each Conference. Funds will be invested in medium-term deposits in two or more countries to gain better exchange rates.
  3. The Treasurer is an ex-officio member of the ISEC Conference Committee and shall advise this Committee on the income and costs of operating previous conferences. For this purpose he or she shall maintain a file of pertinent information on the finance of previous Conferences.
6.4 Publicity and Program Review Committee

The ICSE is responsible for providing suitable publicity for Conferences and for formulating review policies for papers submitted to Conferences. For this purpose the ICSE appoints a Publicity and Program Review Committee. This Committee assists the ICSE in devising means for providing adequate publicity for the next Conference and for the distribution of announcements and registration forms within all interested countries. Members of this Committee shall also provide preliminary reviews of papers as requested by the Conference Organizing Committee.

6.5       Publications Committee

The ICSE is responsible for providing guidelines on the production of suitable, high quality indexed Proceedings of ISEC and to ensure a standard format of printing and binding (publication) in order to provide ready accessibility to the Conference technical papers and to insure international publicity of the Proceedings. Like the Publicity and Program Policy Committee, the Publications Committee will be appointed by the ICSE and shall be responsible to the ICSE.

  1. Meetings 

  1. The ICSE shall meet at least once during each Conference and at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the ICSE. A special meeting of the ICSE shall be held at the earliest convenient time following the written request of not less than two-thirds (⅔) of all ICSE members.
  2. Any member o the ICSE who is unable to attend a meeting may be represented by another representative accredited by him. Such representatives shall have the right to vote on behalf of the absentee member on all matters.
  3. The majority required for any vote or ballot in the ICSE shall be a simple majority, including votes by proxy, except where otherwise state in the Constitution.
  4. All Proceedings at the meetings of the ICSE shall be in English.
  1. Finance

  1. Normal financing of the ICSE will be on the basis of a percentage of registration fees as specified in 5 (d).
  2. The financial obligations of the ICSE shall be limited to providing
    1. Seed monies for the preparations of the ISEC Conferences
    2. Travel funds for members of the ICSE to attend designated meetings of that Committee. Travel funds shall be disbursed following the collective decision of the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer
    3. Funds for initiation of publications or proceedings where necessary
    4. Funds for educational purposes that may be deemed useful by the ICSE, such as newsletters, short courses, monographs, special invited speakers, etc.
  3. Each year the Treasurer shall submit to the ICSE a financial statement. He shall also report on finances at the meeting of ICSE during each ISEC.
  4. The ICSE may obtain funds, in addition to those provided through Conference Registration fees (Article 5(d)) by the sale of proceedings, monographs, conducting of short courses, etc.
  1. Conference Organizing Committee

  1. Once a country has be approved by the ICSE for the next ISEC, the Committee shall empower an appropriate scientific organization(s) of the country sponsoring the ISEC Conference to appoint a committee, known as the Conference Organizing Committee, which is to be confirmed by the ICSE.
  2. The Conference Organizing Committee for each ISEC, although enjoying every initiative and responsibility for carrying out the work it has undertaken, shall follow the general directions given by the ICSE where every possible to ensure that the permanent interests and objectives of the International Solvent Extraction Conference are maintained. To this end the Conference Committee shall keep the ICSE informed of the work undertaken for the preparation of the Conference. The ICSE shall cooperate with the Conference Committee in every possible way. The Publicity and Program Review Committee shall cooperate to the fullest extent in providing publicity. Similarly, the Publications Committee shall provide guidance to the Conference Committee to ensure a quality Proceedings.
  3. The Conference Committee, with the consent of the Chairperson, appoints a Chairperson and such other officers as are required for handling local arrangements, financing, pre-painting, publication, tours, etc.
  4. The Conference Committee has complete responsibility for all matters concerned with the Conference involved, with respect to the conduct and financing of the Conference, the final selection of papers on the program, and matters concerned with pre-printing and publication of papers and/or abstracts, subject to the publication policies established by ICSE upon the advice of the Publications Committee.
  5. The Conference Committee may obtain initial seed monies from the ICSE for the running and organization of a Conference. Any seed monies provided by ICSE are expected to be returned to ICSE at the close of the Conference. Other funds may be obtained through sponsorship donations by industry or governments.
  6. Before considering the invitation of any country that wishes to organize and ISEC, the representatives of that country must give written guarantees that they will make every reasonable effort that the Proceedings and/or preprints of the Conference will be published prior to the ISEC and be available at the Conference. These Conference Proceedings will be published in the final form following the policies established by ICSE upon the advice of the Publications Committee. 
  1. Winding-Up the Committee 

At such time that there appears to be no further need for the ICSE, motions to that effect will be tabled and vote by two-thirds majority of the ICSE members.

  1. Amendments

This constitution may be amended by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the majority of the ICSE members present, including proxy votes.